A catalogue of second-hand law books: many of which are the latest editions including a large number of old and rare works on subjects of interest to the legal profession to be obtained in no other way.
Carswell & Co.’s catalogue of second-hand law books: embracing portions of the libraries of the late Hon. Chief Justice Wallbridge, Hon. Mr. Justice O’Connor, Hon. Judge Daniell, John Dewar, Esq., the Hon. Mr. Justice Ramsay, D. Mitchell McDonald, Esq., and others.
A catalogue of reports of cases decided in the Canadian, English, Irish and Scotch courts: arranged chronologically and alphabetically
Carswell & Co.’s catalogue of new law books with brief titles, all latest editions arranged in alphabetical order of subjects with an alphabetical list of authors’ names – Canadian, English and American
Catalogue of Canadian and British law reports: comprising a full list of all Canadian law reports and legal periodicals to 1906
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